medical and life science translation

Medical & Life Sciences

Our global team coverage ensures greater flexibility to handle translations and last-minute amendments with rapid turnaround, reduced time to market and value-added international insight for your clients..

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medical and life science translation

Medical Translation Services

medical research translation
medical and life science

Medical Research

Medical research is carried out in a methodologically guided manner with the primary aim of gaining an understanding in the field of medical science. An important sub-group or part of medical research involves clinical studies for the testing of drugs, vaccines and medical devices. The testing of new cutting-edge surgical techniques also falls under the term “medical research”.
Our experience medical linguistic research team are able to assist through every stage. 


urgent medical and life science translation
medical and life science translation

Urgent Care

Around a third of patients requiring a doctor’s assistance outside of opening hours end up going directly to the emergency room at the nearest hospital, even if they are not considered an emergency case from a medical standpoint. For this reason, urgent care is considered one of the busiest and most overburdened parts of the healthcare sector. It involves everything in and around the Accident and Emergency Unit from patient treatment, in the case of an emergency, to post patient care. 
With our fast and responsive on call linguistics we are able to provide same day medical interpreting services.  

medical and life science translation
clinical trial translation

Clinical Trials

A clinical trial is the generic term for all medical studies in the medical and life sciences sector. Such trials include drugs, vaccines or medical devices (e.g. needles). In addition, these studies also examine diagnostic procedures or can be considered observational studies. Observational studies are about collecting clinical data from patients, e.g. to learn more about the patient’s illness or care situation.
With a dedicated account manager understanding your requirements. We are able to provide multilingual language solutions for all clinical trial projects. 


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At Locate Translate, we can handle all of your language needs through the thorough translation and proofing of your files. We leave nothing to chance. Our expert language specialists know the industry and everything that needs to be done in order to ensure 100% quality work. Furthermore, your project will be guided every step of the way by one of our dedicated account managers.

Medical & Pharma Translation Services

clinical trials studies translation

Clinical Trial Studies

All clinical trials are part of a lengthy, carefully planned and controlled process.

Their primary goal is to answer scientific questions and, above all, to improve the therapeutic results associated with a specific disease.

Both higher healing rates and fewer side effects in patients are considered an improvement..

We are able to assist with clinical trial translations, clinical trial transcriptions as well as clinical trial interpretation.

consultation reports translation

Consultation Reports

A consultation can be described as a structured meeting at eye level between doctor and patient. Even though the physician is considered the expert, patients, too, are experts when it comes to their symptoms or problems, and how he or she experiences their situation and manages daily routine activities. 

The consultation report captures the aforementioned data in written form. And due to the sensitive nature of these reports, it is essential to capture everything and not lose a single bit of information.

patient consent forms translation

Patient Consent Forms

Potential clinical trial participants need information on which to base their choice to take part in clinical research. It is therefore important that the information given to participants before obtaining their written informed consent is clear and concise and fully explains all aspects of the research. Only then is the patient able to consent to taking part in clinical trials.

medical devices translation services

Medical Devices

Medical technology, also called biomedical technology, is the application of engineering principles and rules in the field of medicine. It combines knowledge from the field of technology, especially problem solving and development, with the medical expertise of doctors, nurses and other professions in order to improve the diagnosis, therapy, nursing, rehabilitation and quality of life of sick or healthy individuals. The terms (bio-) medical engineering and (bio-) medical technology are also frequently used in association with medical devices.

survey translations


Surveys are used as a method in the medical and life sciences field to systematically gain information about people’s attitudes, opinions, knowledge and behaviour. Such studies can take place in oral or written (e.g. using a questionnaire) form.

The term interview is also frequently used. Surveys also take place via telephone or in writing. An increasingly common form is online surveys via the Internet.

inserts and labels translations

Inserts & Labels

Pharma inserts and labels are an important packaging component for medical and healthcare products. It is used on primary packaging such as glass bottles, syringes and vials, as well as on secondary packaging such as folding boxes or package inserts.

Labels and inserts perform different tasks. Doctors, pharmacists and patients find important information on the medication’s correct use or the shelf life, as well as the side effects. 

training manuals translation

Training Manuals

A Training manual describes all the necessary standards and procedures for a specific project or activity in the medical and life sciences field.

Medical training manuals contain specific information and regulations that apply to a specific process or event.  It should be concise and contain only the necessary information. Particular attention should be paid to processes, guidelines and requirements, which need to be presented in a clear and chronological order.   

medical marketing translations

Medical Marketing

Ethical medical marketing focuses on profit growth, attracting patients and the desired patient cases, and building a reputation (brand).

Typically, hospitals, medical practices, other healthcare networks, medical device manufacturers and pharmaceutical companies engage in medical marketing to reach patients.

Your Life Sciences Translation Project Starts Here

Receive quotes in 30-60 Minutes. Or call — 0208 609 4852

medical and life science translation

Delivering translation services to the

healthcare industry

24/7 service. Same Day Service is Available.

UK: 0208 609 4852

Office 10, Unit 1-3 Redburn Estate, Woodall Road, EN3 4LF

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